Stocket was created by Dr. Les Anderson at the University of Kentucky and by Dr. Justin Rhinehart at the University of Tennessee. These gentlemen have over 40 years’ experience as Extension Beef Specialists and have worked with thousands beef producers during their careers. Their experiences in the beef cattle industry led to the development of the beef production tool called Stocket.
Stocket is a web/app interface platform that enables users to focus their information on their beef operation in one site. The three components of Stocket is Manage, Connect, Learn.
Producers are able to use the manage component of Stocket to collect and manage data from their operations enabling them to make data-driven decisions.
Users of Stocket will not need to search Google or YouTube any longer. Users will also be able to search for unbiased educational content using the app and will receive daily notifications of current educational material in beef production.
Users will use this component to connect with other beef industry professionals in their county. All users in a county will have access to a message board and can post and communicate about the beef industry, items for sale or purchase, production practices, etc.