Beef educational content is created by Extension Specialists and Agents daily. Content is normally created, peer reviewed and then pushed for review by each County ANR Agent. If suitable, the content is pushed to the system and users receive links to the content each morning in their notifications on their phone, PC, or other device.
Learn more about raising yaks. Get updates on artificial insemination, performance and general ...Read More
Kevin Laurent will detail the higher market opportunities and how to match warning to those higher ...Read More
County ANR Agents are incredible sources of information. These highly trained professionals serve the county beef cattle producers by personal farm visits, organizing county educational programs, and by staying current on all aspects of beef production.
One method of learning occurs via peer interaction. An important component of STOCKET is the Connect component which enables users to create and answer posts on any beef-related topic. Each connect group is a closed user group and only beef cattle producers, ANR Agents, veterinarians, and agribusiness owners in your county can participate. Connect can be used to buy or sell items, ask questions to the group, and keep the entire group connected so that neighbors can help neighbors. Set green button link to Connect section landing page.
Simple easy data collection and management tools have been needed in the beef industry for decades. Current systems are difficult to use and quite expensive. Stocket is a web/app interface that enable users to easily collect data needed to guide our business decisions. The old saying “You can’t improve what you don’t measure” not only applies to cattle production but it also applies to our cattle business. This platform allows data collection and reporting in fewer than 10 button pushes and less than 30 seconds. Data collection and management is the first step in the direction of profitability of your operation.
The concept of Stocket was developed due to our implementation of the UK Farm Program. The goal of the UK Farm Program was to help beef producers to identify holes in the production systems by collecting data and using that data make the correct decisions to improve revenue. We had 147 farms in this program and revenue was increased by 34% on average. Nothing a producer could do can impact revenue and profit like using data to drive decision making.